Little kittens gobble up their owner's dinner – to the delight of TikTok!

Illinois - As one TikToker found out the hard way, leaving your food unattended around kittens is a bad idea. A super cute TikTok video shows three baby cats caught red-handed – with the evidence all over their faces!

These three little cats look adorable – even though they're covered in stolen dinner!
These three little cats look adorable – even though they're covered in stolen dinner!  © Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@limsredd69

Having someone chow down your food without asking is never fun, but it's a little easier to bear when the thieves are as adorable as these kittens.

"This is what happens when you leave a cheeseburger and cheese fries unattended for five seconds to go pee," TikToker said while filming the three fuzzy thieves.

The fluffy babies have cheese all over their little faces! They're still trying unsuccessfully to lick the nacho cheese from their snouts as their owner calls them out.

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Yet, they don't look the least bit guilty – if anything, the kitties appear to be enjoying the rest of their cheesy snack.

TikTokers fell in love with these cheese-covered kittens, and the video boasts over a million views and thousands of likes.

TikTokers blame the owner for leaving her food out!

While this cat owner is upset that the kitties snatched her cheesy dinner, social media users blame her for the incident.

"This is YOUR fault! Those babies are living," one quipped, while others added that the kittens have "no regrets."

As one commenter noted, not only did the cats steal their owner's dinner, but they also needed help getting the cheese off their furry faces!

If you ever needed a reminder not to leave your food unguarded, this adorable video is it. Make sure you cover your dinner, even if you're just leaving for a few seconds!

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@limsredd69

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