Strange cat breaks into a house with dogs and the rest is TikTok history

El Paso, Texas - Donna Munoz was amazed at the sight of a strange cat sleeping peacefully on her sofa at her home in El Paso, Texas. The curious detail? She did not own a cat – but some other animal friends instead!

This cat simply made himself at home on Donna Munoz's sofa, despite her three dogs.
This cat simply made himself at home on Donna Munoz's sofa, despite her three dogs.  © Collage: Screenshot/TikTok/wedonotownacat

Munoz runs a TikTok account amusingly called @wedonotownacat, where she's documented how the whole debacle went down in 2022. The clip of the encounter has gone viral, two years later, and been viewed over 16 million times.

First, Donna actually has three large dogs that should have scared the cat off, but the new four-legged friend didn't seem to care in the slightest.

"We are assuming, and of course imaginatively assumed, our alpha dog allowed him in," Munoz explained to Newsweek.

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A doggie door in the house must have given the cat access.

"It's a cute idea our kids conjured up, because we do not understand how he felt so calm coming in through our doggie door," explained the pet owner.

But what happened when the uninvited guest made himself at home?

Cute cat story goes viral on TikTok

Munoz's three dogs have given over the alpha role to their new cat companion.
Munoz's three dogs have given over the alpha role to their new cat companion.  © Screenshot/TikTok/wedonotownacat

Munoz and her family ended up adopting the pretty kitty, but how did it happen?

"Finally he started coming inside and staying longer," she detailed in the clip.

Even her three dogs didn't seem to mind the new arrival.

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Munoz searched the cat for a microchip, but was unable to find one, and he kept returning.

The hierarchy in the Munoz household now seems to have shifted, as the cat has made himself a part of the fam. According to the video, the alpha dog has even been replaced by a new boss in town: the cat.

"In case you're wondering, I am in love," the pet owner said.

Cover photo: Screenshot/TikTok/wedonotownacat

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