Woman thinks her cat doesn't like her – until he makes this grand gesture!

Reddit user and cat owner Emma thought her pet didn't like her very much, so imagine her surprise when the kitty showed her his true colors!

Reddit user and cat owner Emma thought her pet didn't like her very much, so imagine her surprise when the kitty showed her his true colors!
Reddit user and cat owner Emma thought her pet didn't like her very much, so imagine her surprise when the kitty showed her his true colors!  © Screenshot/Reddit/Proper-Ad-8829

Like so many others, the 28-year-old caught the flu in January, leaving her unable to do anything but lie in bed or on the couch for days on end.

While her cough, fever, and headache almost overwhelmed her, one roommate stayed very close by her side the whole time – her 7-year-old cat, Pastis.

The four-legged friend is usually rather "grumpy and independent," his owner told Newsweek, so his behavior came as a complete surprise to her.

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"I’ve been really struggling with flu lately, and out of my 3 cats, the most grumpy/standoffish one has decided to take charge of being my primary doctor," Emma wrote on Reddit where she also posted a picture of the kitty sitting right on her chest, staring at her.

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When his owner got sick, this "independent" cat would not leave her side.
When his owner got sick, this "independent" cat would not leave her side.  © Screenshot/Reddit/Proper-Ad-8829

When she was ill, the cat came to her seven or eight times a day and sat on her.

"Usually, Pastis is quite grumpy and independent," she told Newsweek.

"When he decides to gift you with attention, it's sudden. He'll sit on your chest and stare into your soul."

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According to Emma, Pastis has very specific rules for cuddles – "You're not allowed to pet or touch him" while he's sitting on your chest.

"He doesn't particularly enjoy being petted, picked up, or fussed over, unless he initiates it," she added.

Emma's experience with the grumpy cat caused laughter on Reddit and garnered over 55,000 upvotes!

Cover photo: Screenshot/Reddit/Proper-Ad-8829

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