Do dogs know what babies are?
People often get scared when it comes to the dog-baby relationship, worrying themselves over the potential dangers. Do dogs know what babies are, though, and should they worry?

Is it bad if my dog licks my baby? Will my dog bite my baby? Do I have to get rid of my dog because I'm pregnant? Questions like these can be very unsettling, but they don't have to be. While there are a few things worth knowing about the dog-baby relationship, and while there are preparations to be made, you need not worry yourself. Do dogs even know what babies are?
Do dogs know what babies are?
While dogs will notice that your baby is no normal human, it doesn't understand what a baby actually is. There is nothing to worry about here, though, as well-trained dogs will understand that this is a harmless creature that poses no threat and is actually quite interesting.
It is important to recognize that dogs don't actually understand the concept of human or even doggy growth. They don't know what a baby is, nor do they really know what a puppy is. Instead, they have simple instincts that govern how they behave around both, and generally understand that these are creatures to protect, not threats.
That being said, your dog will find your baby significantly interesting. This is largely because of the smell your baby emits, made up of interesting scents of milk, diapers, and that all-too familiar baby scent. Because of this, you may find that your darling doggo is curious about the new family member and may end up making friends.
Dog trainer Lesley Townsend told Newstalk in 2023 that “Babies make weird squeaky noises, and smell quite delicious - they usually smell like milk or maybe like nappies - and it’s understandable that your dog will take extra interest in something like that.”
As a result, you should understand that your dog will not necessarily understand what your baby is but, if trained well, will almost certainly pose no risk to your baby's health.

How to keep your baby safe from your dog
It's extremely important to prepare for the arrival of a baby or dog in a dog or baby household. One of the bigger risks is, of course, that your baby's immune system is yet to fully develop. As a result, there are a variety of measures that need to be taken both to protect the physical safety and the hygiene of your wonderful new baby.
Here's how to keep your baby safe from your dog:
- Dogs should never lick your baby's face. Preferably, the dog shouldn't come near the baby's head and should be out of reach during the first year.
- If the baby comes into a household with pets, it is extremely important that you keep the house clean, well dusted, and regularly vacuumed, to avoid the amount of fur / hair in the air. To help, get your dog regularly groomed.
- The dog needs to be carefully checked for parasites and brushed regularly. Have this done professionally, both so that you don't throw up particles into the air, and so that the regular grooming doesn't take a toll on your dog's skin health. Using a high quality grooming kit could also help make it feasible at home.
- Make sure that your dog is well-trained and incredibly calm. Guarantee that your darling doggo is not going to jump up into the bed, and is going to be happy and safe around the new child.
- Get the best and most secure baby crib available, so that you can guarantee that your dog doesn't jump in with your new baby when it is sleeping.
- Keep your dog entertained and well played by getting it plenty of great toys and taking it on long and regular walks.
Try not to worry too much about having a dog and a baby in the same house. As long as the dog is well-trained, and you are very careful, everything should be okay.
Cover photo: 123RF/hannamariah