Dog misses greeting neighbors during pandemic, so owner puts up a heartwarming sign
Portland, Oregon - The adorable little dog can't think of anything better spending the entire afternoon greeting people from the neighborhood.

Potato is a very sociable Corgi. As Cee, her owner, revealed to The Dodo, she has always loved spending all day outside in the front yard.
But she wasn't playing with balls, chasing around the lawn, or just chilling in the sun. No, she spent her days sticking her head through the fence, waiting for people to come by and pet her.
That was her favorite thing in the world to do, but the coronavirus pandemic took that away from her. Suddenly, people were cautiously keeping their distance.
"She was getting depressed from the sudden lack of attention. She started barking at people she knew who normally pet her who had stopped," Cee remembered.
Her owners had to do something – quickly!
The note on the fence works: Dog lady Potatoe can finally greet her neighbors again!

Fortunately, the solution was a simple as it was brilliant: a sign letting neighbors know that it's more than okay to keep giving the pooch some love and attention.
"This is Potato," reads the note that now adorns the fence of the property, "She's friendly and yes you can pet her, even now with the virus. She also loves every dog so feel free to intro your dog!"
After that, the petting and cuddling came back in spades!
"People have been waiting 6 feet apart in a line on really nice days," Cee said with a grin. "We are thinking of getting those spacer circles for the ground on the sidewalk. Sometimes people call her name in the yard while she's indoors, and she anxiously rings her doorbell to go out because she doesn't want to miss them."
It is safe to say that the little dog enjoys the attention to the fullest!
"She prefers being [with] her fans over her family," her owner joked.
Cover photo: Bildmontage: Instagram/Screenshot/potato_corgo