Dog teams up with cat sibling in viral sweet treat heist
This dog and cat may not always get along, but they were willing to put their differences aside for the sake of a tasty treat heist!

Ruby the Labrador only recently learned from her owner that some objects in the home can be moved around.
The pet parent thought nothing of it when he taught his four-legged friend this trick – which was to have "fatal" consequences.
Her owner recorded the situation in a video captioned, "Dog and cat on a mission!" that has since garnered a whopping 23 million views and counting.
Ruby naturally uses her newfound knowledge to get herself something tasty.
Her owner, most likely as a test, placed a bag of yummy snacks on a high chest of drawers and left the room.
The Labrador quickly realized that she couldn't get to the food on her own and joined forces with cat Pearl to pull off the maneuver.
Dog and cat frenemies work together for a common cause – then betrayal!

After a short barking command, which the kitty seems to understand perfectly, the cat jumps down from its scratching post and is ready for action.
The kitty easily climbs over the laundry basket that Ruby the dog helpfully moved into position for her, and then Pearl hops effortlessly onto the chest of drawers.
With a practiced flick of the paw, the pet then takes the treats from the cupboard.
And voilà! Mission accomplished.
But Labrador Ruby obviously plays by her own rules and immediately disappears with the snack bag – without sharing the spoils of war with her comrade in arms!
Whether or not Pearl will help the dog on future missions after this shocking betrayal remains to be seen.
Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@ruby_thelabrador