Love at first sight: Dog kisses her way into her new owners' hearts in amazing video

South Carolina - Mary and Mark McCraw were devastated when their beloved dog Mischka lost its fight with cancer. They weren't sure they would ever love another dog – but then they met Maggie.

Maggie immediately licked her way into her new owner's heart.
Maggie immediately licked her way into her new owner's heart.  © Bildmontage: TikTok/Screenshot/pittiesfromheaven (2)

"We had lost our other dog a few months prior to meeting Maggie, and this was just a meet and greet in my mind. I didn’t think I was ready for a new dog at the time," Mark McCraw told The Dodo.

But when he first laid eyes on Maggie, the cheeky little pit bull pup, all his hesitation was hugged away, "I bent down so she wouldn't be intimidated, and within seconds she was in my lap and in my life."

This first fateful meeting was caught on video and later made its way to TikTok. In it, the adorable black and white pooch is all over Mark and seems intent on kissing any and all pain away.

This cat's response to little girl owner's absence is adorably dramatic!
Cats This cat's response to little girl owner's absence is adorably dramatic!

It's clear that this was love at first sight!

"It was like being in a movie"

Before Maggie came into the McCraws life, the little dog had had a difficult life. She was neglected and used for breeding by her previous owners.

Maggie ended up at a shelter and then she was placed with a loving foster family. "She was one of the sweetest dogs we've ever taken in," Andra Mack, who hosted the doggo for a while, told the Dodo.

Then came time for Maggie to find her new forever home – and it couldn't have gone any better. "The moment that Maggie met her new dad, my husband and I just looked at each other because we knew. It was like a movie," Andra said.

Amid all the emotions, it's easy to see why Andra sees a deeper meaning behind that magical moment.

"The beam of sunshine that is clear in the video makes me believe that their former dog, Mischka, was looking down on that meeting and smiling."

Cover photo: Bildmontage: TikTok/Screenshot/pittiesfromheaven (2)

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