What does this dog owner do when her pet falls in love with a stray?

Kentucky - Chester the dog fell in love with a stray pooch for a real-life version of Lady and the Tramp! But what Chester's owner did next melted hearts on TikTok.

In no time at all, Frank the stray dog had become a permanent member of the family.
In no time at all, Frank the stray dog had become a permanent member of the family.  © Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@adventurechester

During a two-month work stay in Kentucky, Kyla Campbell took her Boxer-Terrier mix Chester with her for company.

She enjoyed walking her rescue dog daily in the Paintsville neighborhood, but when she saw the many stray four-legged friends running around, she was horrified.

Kyla told Newsweek that the number of strays was "unlike anything I've ever seen."

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Many of the dogs were incredibly friendly and fascinated by Chester, often approaching the pair and even following them back to their hotel on some nights!

In most cases, Chester was happy to see the other dogs and then just move on – but not with a black stray named Frank, whom he immediately befriended.

"We found Frank two blocks away from the hotel, and he was so happy and friendly and honestly the cutest little dog I've seen." Kyla said.

"Chester and Frank started bonding as soon as they saw each other. I've never seen Chester so interested in another dog, and I could tell he was luring him back to the hotel."

On her TikTok page @adventurechester, she shared a now-viral video of the dogs playfully running around, nibbling at each other, and lying on the couch together.

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"Frank just wanted to be loved so badly, and Chester loved him," Kyla continued. "It was the easiest decision for me to keep him."

Once home, Frank settled in surprisingly quickly. The two dogs cuddled together and Kyla could sense that there was a lot of love coming from the stray.

At first, Frank wasn't house-trained and also had to learn that he couldn't eat everything he saw, but Kyla soon managed to convince him.

Now their little wolf pack is happy as can be, all settled into domestic bliss.

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@adventurechester

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