"Drunk" birds prove to be a flight risk and head to rehab!
Watertown, Connecticut - Drunk birds are flight risks! Two vultures went dumpster diving and got into something that made them too drunk to fly. Luckily, animal rescuers helped the birds get sober.

The two big black birds were found birds disoriented near a dumpster in Watertown, Connecticut.
Rescuers from A Place Called Hope, a rehabilitation center for wild animals, took the birds under their protective wing.
The vultures showed strange symptoms, as Fox News reports, specifically, they kept losing consciousness.
"One moment, [they] passed out; the next, they were explosive and feisty. We had to run a battery of tests to eliminate our theories and kept fearing the worst," Director Christine Cummings told the media outlet.
It turned out that the animals weren't sick; they were just very intoxicated.
They'd managed to gobble up a bunch of fermented fruit that was in the dumpster!
Animal rescuers treat the birds to a hearty breakfast
The rescuers took the drunk birds to their rehab center so they could sober up. They gave the birds IV fluids and let them sleep it off.
In the morning, rescuers treated the vultures to a hardy breakfast, and once they were fully sober, the organization released the dumpster diving duo.
Cummings explained that while these vultures' drunk behavior may seem extreme, rescuers have dealt with many an intoxicated bird before!
They say the best way to keep birds from becoming drunk flight risks is to keep your trash can closed securely.
Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/Facebook/A Place Called Hope