Failed Reagan assassin to play sold-out Brooklyn concert

Brooklyn, New York - John Hinckley Jr., the man who attempted to assassinate former president Ronald Reagan, announced he will play a concert in Brooklyn – and it has since sold out.

John Hinckley Jr. attempted to assassinate US president Ronald Reagan in 1981. Now, he is a solo musician.
John Hinckley Jr. attempted to assassinate US president Ronald Reagan in 1981. Now, he is a solo musician.  © Collage: Screenshot/Twitter/JohnHinckley20

Hinckley first plugged the show last week, which is scheduled for July 8 at the Market Hotel in Bushwick, Brooklyn.

The failed assassin turned solo musician has been actively using YouTube and Twitter to promote his music, garnering over 20,000 followers on each platform. He announced in December that he was starting his own label, Emporia Records.

After receiving backlash on Twitter, the Market Hotel defended their decision to host Hinckley: "The man served 40 years in prison / mental health treatment, paid his debt to society. Several darlings of indie music had mental health issues + committed violence / tried to kill people."

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In 1981, a 25-year-old Hinckley Jr. attempted to assassinate then US president Ronald Reagan. He wounded the president, Secret Service agent Timothy McCarthy, police officer Thomas Delahanty, and White House press secretary James Brady, who was also left paralyzed from the attack.

Hinckley Jr. was found not guilty by reason of insanity in 1982, after he claimed in court that he was trying to impress actor Jodie Foster.

Hinckley was released in 2016 under certain conditions by US District Judge Paul Friedman, who said Hinckley was in "full and sustained remission" from his diagnosed psychotic disorder. In June of this year, those conditions will officially be lifted.

"Stay tuned for more dates added to The John Hinckley Redemption Tour," Hinckley Jr. tweeted on Wednesday.

Only in America could a white man attempt to kill a sitting president, then go on to play sold-out shows in NYC.

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshot/Twitter/JohnHinckley20

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