Mother bursts into tears when she sees her son's heartbreaking drawing

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - When her six-year-old son walked into the room with a drawing in his hand, Priya Amin was thrilled, but then she took a closer look – and her heart sank.

The six-year-old boy gave this picture to his busy mother.
The six-year-old boy gave this picture to his busy mother.  © Screenshot/LinkedIn/Priya Amin

The picture was clearly a cry for attention, and it was an effective one.

The woman shared her feelings on her LinkedIn profile.

In addition to a picture of her son's drawing, she published a text expressing her frustration, saying her work-life balance is completely out of whack.

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It seems her children are now feeling it too.

When Amin's son came to her in mid-December to present her with a drawing he had made himself, she was initially delighted.

Then she realized something: "when I looked closer, I read four words that broke my heart – 'Mommy, are you done?' to which the 'mommy' in the picture answered 'No'."

That gave her a good sting. To make matters worse, she was actually sitting at her desk at that very moment – at 6:05 PM, still working.

It occurred to her at that moment that the situation she found herself in was unfortunately not uncommon. In fact, most nights seemed to go the exact same way.

Other parents feel with Priya Amin

Other parents spoke up and tried to reassure Priya Amin: you are not alone! (stock image)
Other parents spoke up and tried to reassure Priya Amin: you are not alone! (stock image)  © 123RF/Irina Schmidt

Below her post, other parents commented, saying they could relate to what Amin was going through. Some even shared similar notes their children had written them.

"I see you and I feel you on this!" one of them wrote. Another said, "Heartbreaking words that I hear almost everyday."

Many parents agreed that balancing the kids and work is incredibly nerve-wracking, especially in times of the coronavirus pandemic.

But Amin was able to take one positive thing away from the episode: "I guess the only good thing I can take from this experience is my kids love spending time with me."

Cover photo: Collage: 123RF/Irina Schmidt & Screenshot/LinkedIn/Priya Amin

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