Best Mother's Day gifts: Unique and meaningful gifts for your mom's big day!

It's already that time of year again: Mother's Day! What does that mean? Well, it's an opportunity for you to spoil your mom rotten and get her some great Mother's Day gifts. Let's take a look at a few ideas.

It's time to think about what great Mother's Day gift you're going to get in 2023.
It's time to think about what great Mother's Day gift you're going to get in 2023.  © Unsplash/Tim Mossholder

Each and every year, countless people around the world celebrate the great job all of our moms do each and every day. It's a time of year to buy gifts, show your appreciation, and spoil your mom rotten. What should you get, though? Perhaps you don't have much cash to throw around, or maybe you want to do something particularly special. Luckily, TAG24 is here to help.

With you and your family gearing up for a fantastic day, it's time to pick up a few Mother's Day gifts. Do you want to take your mom out for a delicious meal, or just spoil her with some fun gifts? We've got you covered!

Please keep in mind: We're not here to promote any specific products. As a result, we will keep this guide rather straight-forward and general. These are some fun Mother's Day gift ideas, but nothing too specific.

When is Mother's Day?

Mother's Day in 2023 is on Sunday, May 14. Keep in mind, though, that you don't need to keep your celebrations restricted to one day. Your mom deserves the best, so feel free to plan a bigger, longer event over the course of the weekend. Take her away, have a few different things planned, put in all the effort you can!

Best gifts for Mother's Day

Look, a card's a little too small, and who gives cards nowadays anyway? It's a small piece of cardboard with a nice message on it, but wouldn't it be better to just express that love and affection verbally? Give your mom a hug and a chat, instead of a Mother's Day card, and something else, make her feel special.

So let's start with the basics. Here are a few simple and easy Mother's Day gifts that will go a long way:

  • Flowers: A nice bouquet of flowers is, of course, a must. It's not the "be-all and end-all", though, and shouldn't be your only gift. Get her something colorful, that you'll know that she will like. It doesn't have to pink, and they don't need to be roses. Get your mom the flowers in the colors that she loves most.
  • Chocolates and treats: Not everyone likes chocolate, so we are expanding this to include treats. Are there some semi-fancy packaged snacks that your mom loves to eat? Well, if there are, then you should feature them somewhere in the celebrations.
  • Plants: Does your mom like to garden, or is she maybe thinking about planting a lemon tree out in the yard? Perhaps an indoor plant is more her style? Maybe treat this as an alternative to flowers. Get her that lemon tree (or whatever it is she wants) and then, once you give it to her, offer to help her plant it. Make a whole experience out of it!

Now that we have settled the basics, it's time to take a look at some more unique Mother's Day gift ideas.

Flowers will always be a good Mother's Day gift, but they're not very original.
Flowers will always be a good Mother's Day gift, but they're not very original.  © 123RF/Malkovkosta

Meaningful Mother's Day gifts

The first thing to note is that your mom doesn't want something super expensive or fancy, she just wants something meaningful. Thinking up something that'll make her smile is incredibly important, and something that should be your top priority. What would your mom like? What would bring a tear to her eye?

Here are some meaningful Mother's Day gift ideas:

A personalized photo album: Gather together family photos, possibly of an event or maybe of your life together, and collate them into a professionally printed photo album using one of the many services available online.

A book that she wants or would like: Think about whether there are any books that your mom really, really wants, and get her one of those. Something that she has mentioned in passing, or maybe something that you think will leave an emotional impact once she has read it.

Take her on a trip somewhere she likes: Jump in the car and take her somewhere she wouldn't expect, but would love. If she is always wanting to go to the beach, but you are always saying "No", now's the time!

Cook her a meal yourself: Your mom cooked for you all of your childhood. Now it's your turn. Make her some carbonara, her favorite cut of steak, or something else that will bring a smile to her face and show her that you love her.

Think about your mom, what she likes, and what will make her happy. Also, think about whether you can double any of these things up - the more, the better!

Cheap Mother's Day gifts

There's nothing to be ashamed of if you can't afford to buy your mom something super special for Mother's Day, but that doesn't mean that you can't still get her something. For kids in particular, who only have a couple of bucks to spare, something cheap and cheerful is your best bet.

Acts of service are always a great idea, spoil your mom rotten by doing all of her chores, cooking her dinner, and making sure that she has the best and most relaxing day possible.

On top of that, think about getting a few affordable and basic gifts:

  • Mugs
  • Books
  • Snacks
  • Cosmetics
  • Funny socks
  • A better coffee maker (Percolators are cheap-as-chips and far better than what most American households use)
  • Plants
  • Gloves
  • Something touristy from your travels

Cheap doesn't mean bad, there are plenty of things you can pick up for only a couple bucks. Your mom will love them and you'll feel great as a result!

Homemade Mother's Day gifts

There's a reason why your mom always loved those painted mugs and ugly drawings you gave her as a child: They were made by you, with your love. Continue the tradition and make your mom something with your bare hands. It doesn't have to cost much, but it could be something really special that she will appreciate for years and years to come.

Here are some homemade Mother's Day gift ideas:

Knit her something: If you know how to knit, make her a scarf or something. She'd love a blanket, a sweater, whatever you can handle. It'll only cost you the price of the wool, needles, and pattern. See, cheap!

Arts and crafts: Bring out your inner child and, even if you're absolutely awful at art, make her something. Paint her a painting, draw her a drawing, put together your very own Mother's Day card. Get creative!

Custom towels: You can buy plain towels super cheap, and then it's only a matter of getting some dye and thinking about a design. Maybe you can stitch or iron an initial on it, or paint a doggo? The options are endless!

Mugs, plates, ceramics: Make your own mugs and plates. Go to a ceramics course and learn how to do it. Put together some custom stuff, paint it all nice, and present it to your mom as a gift. This is one that you probably can't do only a few days before Mother's Day, though.

Present something in a cool way: If you can only afford a few low-key and basic Mother's Day gifts, find a creative and fun way to present them to your mom. Maybe arrange them in a jar, hang them from the ceiling, as a scavenger hunt, or something similar.

Remember that your mom will love anything you give her. Make her something nice, get creative, and make it part of a day that will bring her joy and make her feel loved.

Best Mother's Day gifts for first moms

If this is your favorite person's first Mother's Day, it's time to spoil her rotten!
If this is your favorite person's first Mother's Day, it's time to spoil her rotten!  © Unsplash/Omar Lopez

Has your spouse (or daughter, or friend) recently given birth, or is she perhaps still pregnant on Mother's Day? Well, she still deserves something special.

After all, this is the first time the Mother's Day has been a thing for her, as well as for her mom. Get her something meaningful, and something that'll help improve her life.

Here are some great first Mother's Day gifts:

Earplugs: Agree to deal with the baby over the weekend, agree to let her nap undisturbed (as much as is safe and possible, of course), and give her some good and comfortable earplugs to help her with this process.

Send her away: It's time to look after the baby yourself. Send her on a retreat with her mom, or her best friend, and look after the kiddo so that she can have a break.

Something comfortable: If she is still pregnant, or hasn't quite got over it yet, get her some clothing or something that she can use to be a little more comfortable. Maybe some better shoes, something to help her back, or similar.

A photo album of the baby: Going off an earlier idea, put together a photo album of your new kid. From birth-to-now, make her something nice and something for her to remember this period of time.

Speak with the people close to this new mother. What does she need, what would improve her life, what has she been missing out on? Again, Mother's Day is the perfect opportunity to spoil her like she's never been spoiled before!

This is your mom's big day, so treat her silly!

You don't need to go extravagant on the gifts, and many of us won't have the funds to do that anyway. Instead, focus on giving your mom the best day possible. Take her out for a nice meal, go for a sunny stroll, or take her to the beach if that's something possible for you.

This is your mom's big day, and she only gets one of those every year! So get her a nice Mother's Day gift, and celebrate in a fun and meaningful way for her. Think about what she likes and what she would want, and go with that over what you personally think would be fun.

Cover photo: Unsplash/Tim Mossholder

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