Heart on sleeve: Texan tattoo and body mod enthusiast has heart implanted into her hand!

Houston, Texas - Talk about wearing your heart on your sleeve! Orylan has been crazy about body modification and tattoos since she was old enough to go into a studio. Now, at 24, she has decided to get a silicone heart implanted into the back of her hand.

Orylan loves tattoos and body modifications, but was unsure about her heart-shaped hand implant.
Orylan loves tattoos and body modifications, but was unsure about her heart-shaped hand implant.  © Collage: Screenshots/Instagram/@orylan1999

With rainbow hair, a split tongue, stretched earlobes, and more tattoos than you could shake a stick at, Orylan is no stranger to ink or body mods. In fact, she has even gone as far as tattooing her eyes.

Now, the tattoo artist, who goes by @orylan1999 on her 128,000 follower-strong Instagram channel, has spent $500 getting a radical new addition to her collection.

She had a heart-shaped subdermal implant embedded in the back of her left hand!

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The procedure involved a small incision, followed by the insertion of a small piece of silicon under the skin and the draining of blood.

Orylan took a while to get used to the heart-shaped hand implant

Talking to Caters News a little while after the procedure, Orylan revealed that she didn't really like her heart implant at first, and thought it was "weird and boring."

Now it seems that she has come around on her latest addition, largely on account of a little bit of time passing.

"I took just a few days to like it," she told the New York Post. "Once it was settled in my hand, and I finally got to take all my bandages off, I was just like, 'Okay, I like this. It's not crazy.'"

"It's not like I got horns implanted into my head or anything. I think it's one of the lower-end modifications that I've gotten. So, it wasn't really a big deal to me."

Oralyn has previously explained how her tattoo and body mod journey has led her to the kind of healthy self-love everyone needs.

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/Instagram/@orylan1999

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