NYC mayor wants subway riders to send him pics of transit police officers

New York, New York - During a budget briefing on Tuesday, NYC mayor Eric Adams laid into transit police and urged riders to help him keep officers honest.

Mayor Eric Adams has made addressing the rising crime rates in NYC.
Mayor Eric Adams has made addressing the rising crime rates in NYC.  © REUTERS

Since the shooting that took place on April 12 aboard an N train in Brooklyn, the subject of subway crimes and the safety of commuters has been pushed into the spotlight.

Mayor Adams said he is "disappointed in the deployment of transit police personnel".

"We are going to start taking very aggressive actions to make sure police are patrolling our subway system and not patrolling their iPhone," Adams warned.

"If you see it, send me a picture. Let me know, because I'll go to that district the next day and see exactly what's happening. Send me a shot," he added.

Adams has made it his focus to address the rising crime rates in NYC, and has proposed plans and implemented actions in an effort to make the city safer.

According to Fox News, subway crime has risen 65.3% this year, and overall crime in NYC has risen 42.8%.

Transit workers have also been targets, with 20 employees and 20 officers having been assaulted while on the job so far this year.

During a conference on Wednesday at the MTA headquarters in Manhattan, state governor Kathy Hochul said "I’ve got different approaches to public safety" when asked her thoughts on what Adam's said.

"I have confidence in the NYPD to do their jobs, as well as the MTA police officers," Hochul said. "I’m grateful for what they do."

While there is a conversation to be had about officers being attentive at all times while on the job, should the responsibility to watch the watchers be foisted upon residents and commuters?

Cover photo: REUTERS

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