Dr. Oz's extremely weird opinions on incest resurface in viral audio

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania - Dr. Oz's campaign for US Senate wasn't going well to begin with – then audio of his views on incest surfaced.

Dr. Mehmet Oz is under fire for audio resurfaced from a 2014 interview where he says that incest with a cousin beyond the first is "not a big problem."
Dr. Mehmet Oz is under fire for audio resurfaced from a 2014 interview where he says that incest with a cousin beyond the first is "not a big problem."  © Collage: Slaven Vlasic / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / Getty Images via AFP

An interview that Oz did with the popular radio show The Breakfast Club back in 2014 has been doing the rounds on social media, and it's not hard to see why.

The clip has the celebrity doctor sharing his pretty disturbing professional advice when it comes to incest.

"I’m going to ask you this, and you tell me if this is safe for this person, okay?" co-host Angela Yee asks Oz in the clip, before reading out a question sent in by a listener. "Well, he said, 'Yee, I can’t stop smashing my cousin.'"

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Just in case Oz doesn't speak the lingo, she translates: "That means sleeping with."

Yee continues reading: "'We hooked up at a young age and now in our 20s, she still wants it. No matter how much I want to stop, I always give it to her. Help me.'"

"What advice would you give that person?" she asks.

Oz's take comes without hesitation: "If you’re more than a first cousin away, it’s not a big problem."

Fetterman pounces on Dr. Oz for his stance on abortion

Democratic lieutenant governor John Fetterman is opposing Dr. Oz in the race for Pennsylvania's open senate seat.
Democratic lieutenant governor John Fetterman is opposing Dr. Oz in the race for Pennsylvania's open senate seat.  © DUSTIN FRANZ / AFP

The clip was found not long after Dr. Oz's opponent, Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman, launched an attack ad criticizing the Republican candidate for his past stances on abortion, a key topic in the race.

The Democratic nominee insisted Oz believes "all abortions are murder."

While Fetterman is staunchly pro-choice, Oz has flip-flopped on the subject. In 2019, he publicly defended Roe v. Wade, but a clip in Fetterman's ad features the physician saying, "it's still murder, if you were to terminate a child whether their heart's beating or not."

Pennsylvania voters will head to the polls on November 8 to decide who will fill the state's open senate seat.

Cover photo: Collage: Slaven Vlasic / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / Getty Images via AFP

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