Woman gives birth in prison: "Most traumatic experience of my entire life"

Arkansas - Jessica Kent served two years for drug and weapons offenses and had her first child in prison – it was horrible.

Jessica Kent (31) served two years in prison.
Jessica Kent (31) served two years in prison.  © Screenshot/Instagram/jesken12

Jessica Kent, former drug addict and inmate, talked about one of her most traumatic life experiences on TikTok: "I had a baby in prison."

The day was an incredibly traumatic experience for the now-31-year-old: "It was surrounded with fear and anxiety and stress."

She was left alone in active labor for more than four hours and was chained to the bed right after, leaving her with severe PTSD to this day.

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However, the worst part was yet to come. Right after she gave birth to her sweet baby girl, she had to say goodbye again as her daughter was placed into foster care right away.

That was the worst part of it all. Jessica was scared that she might never get the custody of her own child.

And so she decided to turn her life around. As she got out of prison she achieved to stay as far away from drugs as possible and she fought with everything she had to get her daughter back.

Today, not only is she sober, but she has a beautiful little family with her partner Reese, and her first-born now has a little sister – whom she gave birth to under much better circumstances in Arkansas.

Jessica Kent served two years in prison

On YouTube, Jessica Kent talks about her experiences behind bars

The birth of her second baby was a much different experience!

"We were blessed with a second daughter and I got to experience a pregnancy in the free world," Jessica continued and emphasized the huge difference between her first and second childbirth.

"I got to go to the hospital with my partner Reese and it was just such an amazing and beautiful experience."

The second time was much easier – Reese was by her side the entire time to hold her hand and even got her a cheeseburger afterwards.

"I had very little pain," Jessica said.

Both of her pregnancy experiences have taught her important life lessons: "My first daughter changed my life and gave me the motivation and passion to fight for sobriety. But my second daughter healed my heart and I now see how beautiful it is to have a baby."

On her social media accounts on YouTube, TikTok and Instagram, she regularly talks about her time behind bars and fights for prison reforms.

Cover photo: Screenshot/Instagram/jesken12

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