The affirmation your zodiac sign needs for 2023

Do you know what your zodiac sign should say to make 2023 less dramatic, cooler, and smoother? Get your affirmation horoscope on the tip of your tongue today.

Speak your 2023 affirmation to yourself as you go on your merry way and toward your dreams.
Speak your 2023 affirmation to yourself as you go on your merry way and toward your dreams.  © 123RF/nexusplexus

Resolutions are old news. Besides, you've already set your goals and are going after them with fire in your belly.

Each of the twelve zodiac signs, regardless if they're ruled by the elements of fire, water, air, or earth, need an affirmation to help them level up, get love, or just be in 2023.

Affirmations aren't plans or schemes to help you get lean, they are a few words you say to yourself, to empower yourself. They are things like: "I am strong", "I am beautiful," or "I am an unstoppable force of nature."

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All you have to do is repeat these over and over on your way down the street. Think of the little engine that could. He could because he believed, and he knew the power of words: I think I can, the little engine said over and over again.

Aries (March 21 - April 19) I am as smooth as negroni sbagliato with prosecco

Aries, you know your rash actions and impulsive words, can get you into trouble. In 2023, you're going to temper the bite in your boldness with a bit of prosecco and a thinking before you blurt out whatever is on your mind. This year is all about smooth seduction, like how Emma D'Arcy says Negroni Sbagliato with prosecco. Level up, you smoking-hot fire sign!

Taurus (April 20 - May 20): It's big cake time

Everyone deserves a little cake just for getting through each day. But 2023, astrologically and culinarily speaking, is going to be your big cake year. You're going to actually do the big, scary things you've always wanted too. Meaning, you'll deserve a supersized and tiered celebratory iced sponge. You're gonna to manifest your creative and professional dreams. It's big cake time, Taurus.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20): I am focused

As a super social air sign, you tend to flit and float all over the place. Just the whisper of new gossip or the ding of your phone can pull you away, from almost anything. They make you seem flaky. It also make it hard to get anything done. Concentration is key, turn your phone to silent.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22): My thoughts and feelings matter

The idea of being alone with your own thoughts or feelings scares you out of your shell, Cancer. This is why you're always busy scuttling from one social event to the next. But even if your thoughts are dark, deep, and super emotional, they're valid. By letting them in, you'll grow. So repeat: my thoughts and feelings matter.

Leo (July 23 - August 22): I will Wordle like no one's watching

Just because you constantly seek the spotlight doesn't mean someone's always watching, Leo. You can allow yourself to fail, or spell something wrong. You don't have to get Wordle on your first or fiftieth try, or in advanced mode. Don't be so dramatic, it's a game. Allow yourself to play at putting letters into the box and teasing your brain.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22): I am not perfect and that's okay

The devil in the details is your obsession with perfection, Virgo. You're smart enough to know that perfection is an illusion and ideal. Still, you strive to meet it and get tangled up in overthinking and hesitation. Relax a bit and let a little chaos thrive.

Libra (September 23 - October 22): I will be my weird bad self

Seeking beauty and balance doesn't have to be blasé. You can let out your weird bad self out once in a while. Embrace your own highly methodical weirdness and translate those moves in to a dance just like Wednesday. You don't have to be a choreographer to rock it.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): I accept change

When things don't go your way, you turn quickly into one mean, stinging thing. But don't let your aggressive nature get between you and lovers or friends. Learn to let go and go with the flow. Remember, you dark mysterious thing, change can be a very positive thing.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): My money don't jiggle, jiggle it folds

You're not known for your ability to save, because you're always blowing your cash on the next new thing. But this year you're going to put your innovative passion into action, it's going to pay off in bets and projects. You won't be paying jiggling change. You'll have a wad of bills you can barely fold.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): I love you b*itch

Repeat after the queen of self-love and confidence, Lizzo: "I love you, b*tch!" Capricorn, you are special just the way you are, even if you want to climb every hill, mountain, and be even more. Say it again, you very critical sea goat. Aiming for perfection is admirable, but not the key to happiness.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): I am courageous

You are one unique thing, Aquarius. You're passionate, intelligent and do really care. But sometimes you get bogged down by worry about what others may make of you. Don't let these frets make your voice a whisper. Stand up for your beliefs and use your power.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20): I tie up loose ends

You're famous for your dreamy ways, but in 2023 this will change with a little focus and the power of words. You will not lose your keys right in front of you or forget all the dates you made. Not only that, but you'll remember to start the dryer and answer that text message. You might even dot your i's and cross your t's, this year, Pisces.

Make your 2023 as cool, calm and collect as can be by saying the affirmation your zodiac sign needs.

Cover photo: 123RF/nexusplexus

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