Teacher accidentally uploads pornographic "incest" parody for class

Hull, UK – Wrong file attached! In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, schools and daycare centers are closed in the UK, and students and teachers must now adjust to remote learning. In the process, a teacher from the British city of Hull made a mistake.

Remote learning is currently the order of the day in the UK (stock image).
Remote learning is currently the order of the day in the UK (stock image).  © 123RF / kzenon

The primary school teacher uploaded a new activity for the students in his class, who range from nine to eleven years old.

The link he put on Google Classroom was supposed to contain a recording of The Car Trip, read by children's author Michael Rosen. Instead, the teacher accidentally sent his students a fake parody of the clip – a version not suitable for children's ears.

Excerpts were cut and rearranged so that the poem no longer conveyed its original meaning. Rather than a harmless car ride, the spoof version describes incestuous acts between two siblings.

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The "incest" file was sent to the class at Ings Primary School.

The outcry was not long in coming. According to the Sun, the students' parents were outraged and horrified by what their children had been sent. The teacher immediately apologized, saying, "I am really sorry I put the wrong poetry clip on."

An apology was not enough for many parents. "Teachers need to check what they're setting kids and not just being lazy and posting random links that they haven't verified," one father told reporters. "I couldn't believe what I had heard and didn't want my daughter to listen to such filth again."

More than an hour passed before the dirty video was taken down, he said.

The original video for The Car Trip by Michael Rosen

The Car Trip is actually a poem about two siblings in the backseat of a car during a long drive. In the original, the children almost drive their mother crazy because they're bored.

The fake version suggests pornographic acts of incest between the two children.

In the meantime, the school administration has also apologized for the teacher's "faux pas."

Cover photo: 123RF / kzenon

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