Woman mourns dead husband for days, but then the unthinkable happens!

San Nicolás, Honduras - A woman from Honduras was still mourning her husband, when the unbelievable happened: the man who was believed to have died turned up alive – four days after his funeral!

Victoria Sarmiento thought she was a widow (stock image).
Victoria Sarmiento thought she was a widow (stock image).  © 123RF/SAWEK KAWILA

But what happened?

Victoria Sarmiento of San Nicolás, Honduras, spent days looking for her husband Julio, who hadn't return home.

When she contacted the local hospital on December 30, the staff had shocking news for her.

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The 65-year-old man had recently died of the coronavirus, they informed her.

Nurses took her to the hospital's morgue where she identified her dead husband. At least, that's what she believed, according to the Daily Mirror.

The grieving widow hired funeral directors to bury the man's body in her rural village, where mourning relatives held an all-night wake before his funeral.

Four days went by. Then the unthinkable happened.

Her husband walked through the door!

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It turns out her husband Julio had gone for a walk and fallen so badly that he couldn't get up again. The poor man was stuck for days without food or drink until someone finally found him.

Four days after his "funeral", the elderly man came back to his wife, who couldn't believe what she saw.

As grateful as Victoria felt to have her beloved husband back, she couldn't help but be angry with the hospital.

She asked the hospital to refund the money she had spent on the unknown man's funeral and she also accused the staff of wrongly informing her about her husband's death.

Meanwhile, the hospital's director, Juan Carlos Cardona, insisted it was the woman who falsely identified the man as her husband.

Apparently, the dead man and Julio bear such a striking resemblance that not even his own wife could tell the difference between the two.

Cover photo: 123RF/SAWEK KAWILA

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