Deer breaks into house for unannounced sleepover

Bay County, Michigan - Law enforcement officers in Michigan had to deal with an animalistic and apparently somewhat tired burglar: A brazen deer broke into a house and made itself at home in the bedroom.

It's not every day that you have animals as sleeping guests. (symbolic image)
It's not every day that you have animals as sleeping guests. (symbolic image)  © Collage: Facebook/Bay County Michigan Sheriff's Office

As officials shared on Facebook, a local family of five called 911 around 4 PM local time on Monday due to ominous noises.

However, it wasn't a thief entering their home through the window to get rich off the owners' belongings, but a rampaging four-legged friend!

Law enforcement officer Austin Jobes arrived first on the scene of the crime and certainly looked astonished at the unusual overnight guest.

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However, after police backup arrived, the deer was persuaded to find another place to sleep.

"Luckily, neither the deer nor deputies were injured and the family opted not to press charges. Proof that there is no 'ordinary day' in law enforcement," authorities wrote with a wink, marking a positive conclusion following an unusual incident.

However, Bambi was certainly not too happy about having to sleep outside again after all.

Cover photo: Collage: Facebook/Bay County Michigan Sheriff's Office

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