Dog and cat pair is TikTok's new "dream couple"

Duncan the Corgi is certainly not a cat lover. But one new feline friend had him feeling just fine.

Duncan the Corgi (l.) didn't seem to know what to do with the new cat at first.
Duncan the Corgi (l.) didn't seem to know what to do with the new cat at first.  © Screenshot/TikTok/duncanwiththegoodtail

Duncan has been known to chase away cats as soon as they cross his path, especially the ones he lives with.

That's why the pup's owner was worried about how he would react to a new rescue kitten joining the bunch.

Yet, the meeting between the two had her "crying at this new friendship."

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In a TikTok clip, the woman captured the moment the four-legged friends met for the first time.

In the video, the pet owner wrote: "Your corgi who herds away the other cats in your house is meeting your new rescue who used to live with five dogs."

To his owner's surprise, Duncan showed a different side when he saw the new cat crawl out of the box.

Instead of barking or sending the cat fleeing, he gently made contact with her, and the house cat immediately returned the favor with a "kiss."

The video currently has over 4.8 million views and counting, as one user joked in a follow-up clip that this is the exact moment they "fell in love."

Dog and cat: Friendship or romance?

It took a few seconds during their first meeting, but then sparks flew between Duncan and his new cat friend.
It took a few seconds during their first meeting, but then sparks flew between Duncan and his new cat friend.  © Screenshot/TikTok/duncanwiththegoodtail

It's clear that Duncan's owner isn't the only one moved by the sweet moment.

Thousands of users have gushed over the budding friendship, and debatable animal romance, with comments like:

  • "'She kissed me, did you see that, she kissed ME!"

  • "I want someone who looks at me the way that dog looks at this cat."

  • "She's a beautiful kitty and I love that your corgi still has his little curly tail!!!"
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In addition, some viewers wanted to know more about TikTok's new "dream couple."

Duncan's owner has given fans what they want, and has posted more touching videos of the two that show their friendship growing even stronger.

Cover photo: Screenshot/TikTok/duncanwiththegoodtail

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