Dog duo scores viral hit on TikTok with hilarious twist to a messy mystery

Oklahoma, Australia - This TikTok video has a hilarious twist, as users try to figure which of these adorable dogs is responsible for dumping over a trash can.

At first, it seems clear who was to blame for knocking over the trash.
At first, it seems clear who was to blame for knocking over the trash.  © Bildmontage: TikTok/Screenshots/tractor.singing

There are many videos of pet owners interrogating their animals about some domestic disturbance just to catch their pet's bashful look on camera.

This is that kind of video, but Ben's TikTok, which hit the viral jackpot with over 700,000 views, takes a very surprising turn.

The clip kicks off with a shot of Ben's knocked over trash can. The camera then pans over to a dachshund named Monty.

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"Monty, was it you who knocked over the rubbish bin?" Ben sternly asks.

The poor dog looks guilty as possible as he waddles by with his head hanging low, with tail wobbling to and fro.

Then suddenly another pooch comes running into the frame. "What about you, Pepper?" the pet owner follows up.

But Pepper is busy running straight into the fridge, blinded by an empty bag of chips stuck on his head.

TikTok love the dog's comedic timing

And then boom: Pepper runs in and right into the refrigerator.
And then boom: Pepper runs in and right into the refrigerator.  © Bildmontage: TikTok/Screenshots/tractor.singing

Ben's caption to the video is classic: "I'm no detective but..."

Although Pepper is clearly being singled out for the deed, not all TikTok users agree.

Some took up the pooch's case in the comments. "I'm Peppa's lawyer. She's innocent. There is no evidence," one person wrote.

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Others noted that Monty's look was suspicious: "Why does Monty still look so guilty."

There's even the possibility of the four-legged friends tag-teaming it, with one suggestion reading: "Monty was the mastermind behind it."

Regardless of which dog is to blame, there's no denying the truth of this comment: "This is comic perfection."

Cover photo: Bildmontage: TikTok/Screenshots/tractor.singing

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