Dog fails to find new home at adoption event when the extraordinary happens

New York, New York - A sweet dog named Sandy failed to get adopted at a New York adoption event, but she still got quite the happy ending!

A dog named Sandy was up for adoption at an event in New York City, and while didn't get adopted, she got something even better!
A dog named Sandy was up for adoption at an event in New York City, and while didn't get adopted, she got something even better!  © Collage: Screenshot/Instagram/nyacc

According to the New York Post, a family who had lost their beloved dog, Mocha, in January recently attended the Animal Care Center New York's (NYACC) "Paws in the Park" adoption event.

In January, they were on vacation for a week and entrusted their four-legged friend to a dog sitter. When they returned, Mocha was gone, as was the sitter, who did not respond to their calls and remained off the grid.

After months of searching, the family of five had to resign themselves to the reality that they'd probably never see Mocha again.

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Until last Sunday, that is, when they arrived at the dog adoption event in New York City.

The family was hoping to put their grief behind them and offer a nice home to another animal, but then a very special dog caught their attention!

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Mocha was reunited with her family after being separated for months.
Mocha was reunited with her family after being separated for months.  © Collage: Screenshot/Instagram/nycacc

A pit bull named Sandy looked very much like Mocha, and the animal welfare workers had already noticed that she got along particularly well with children - so she would fit in well with a family.

At that time, nobody suspected that it was because she had been previously owned by a family with three small children aged six, ten, and eleven.

But when the paths of the dog and her family crossed again, the joy on both sides was unimaginable. Mocha jumped around excitedly, scurrying around the children and parents of the family.

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"I'm telling you, this is my dog, this is mine - I can show you pictures," the father of the family was heard saying in an Instagram clip posted by the NYACC as Mocha greeted the two sons while still being held by one of the animal welfare workers.

After the obvious reaction from Mocha and the photos that the family showed, the NYACC agreed to let the dog go, and after several long months, she could finally be with her family again.

Though such cases are very rare, neither the animal welfare organization, the family, nor Mocha herself could have wished for a better outcome of the adoption event!

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshot/Instagram/nyacc

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