Dog lost underground for days – then he hears his owner's voice

Aberdeen, UK - This dog dug his way back to his human after more than three days stuck underground, and all it took was the sound of her voice!

The dog Bear and his mistress Dasha Samatoina were fortunately reunited.
The dog Bear and his mistress Dasha Samatoina were fortunately reunited.  © Screenshots/Facebook/Dasha Samatoina/Facebook

As the BBC reported, Dasha Samatoina was visiting the Scottish city of Aberdeen from London when her dog, a Cavapoo named Bear, suddenly vanished.

The huge search party that included locals and the fired department had found no trace of him, despite looking for days.

The working theory was that Bear and his canine friend Lola, who belongs to Dash's friend, had both gone into the same hole in Aberdeen's Seaton Park, but because Bear was bigger, he couldn't get out.

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As time ticked by, everyone involved started to fear the worst. Search organizers eventually enlisted Lola in their efforts, hoping she might be able to smell him or hear his barks.

"And that's exactly what happened," Dasha said. "She led us to one of the holes on a site we had not properly looked at and she was very persistent to go down the hole."

The vet was surprised by how well the lost dog was doing

The vet was "shocked" that Bear was doing so well after three days underground
The vet was "shocked" that Bear was doing so well after three days underground  © Screenshots/Facebook/Dasha Samatoina/Facebook

Horrified at where her poor pooch had ended up, Dasha kept calling Bear's name until the managed to burrow his way to the surface.

A video shows Bear climbing out of the ground and into his loving owner's arms, amid tears of joy.

"I think he was a few feet down because his bark was quite muffled," Dasha said. "But I could feel he was digging under the ground – I was just hoping he was going the right way."

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Bear was found after more than 60 hours underground. After the miraculous rescue, he was rushed to a vet. The animal doctor was shocked by the Cavapoo's good health despite the ordeal, with nothing more serious than dehydration apparent.

Dasha attributes Bear's survival to the dog’s steadfast will to live: "It is amazing how strong he is to be able to dig himself out after three days with no food or water."

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/Facebook/Dasha Samatoina/Facebook

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