Dog's outraged reaction to owner's dad digging holes goes viral: "The hypocrisy!"

When this dog saw what his owner's dad was doing, he knew he had to intervene!

Flynn the rescue dog was completely outraged when he caught his owner's dad digging holes in the backyard – something the pup had never been allowed to do!
Flynn the rescue dog was completely outraged when he caught his owner's dad digging holes in the backyard – something the pup had never been allowed to do!  © Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@elcreativecontent

When Emma Lawrence heard the loud barking of her rescue dog, whose name is Flynn, from the backyard, she knew immediately that something was wrong.

So, she quickly went outside to find out what had upset her four-legged friend.

The cause quickly became clear: Flynn had had simply enough of Emma's father digging holes in their yard!

Magical animal sight caught on film in viral new TikTok clip
Animals Magical animal sight caught on film in viral new TikTok clip

And why did this make Flynn so angry? The dog had been expertly taught that digging holes in the yard was a big no-no!

Emma later took to TikTok to share the hilarious footage and explained in the video's on-screen text, "[Flynn] gets told off for digging so he's telling my dad off for it too."

Viewers on TikTok found Flynn's confused and outraged reaction totally hilarious, taking to the comments to react to the moment.

"'The HYPOCRISY, father!!!'" one user joked.

"i think he's letting you know it wasn't him doing the digging," another wrote.

As the video continues to make the rounds online, one thing seems to be clear: TikTokers are on Flynn's side!

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@elcreativecontent

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