Dog's reaction to peek-a-boo toy makes thousands of Reddit users smile

Internet - This big dog didn't expect the toy to move on its own!

The dog seems fine with the stuffed animal – until it starts moving.
The dog seems fine with the stuffed animal – until it starts moving.  ©

Some dogs are over the moon as soon as they get a new toy between their paws, while others are less than enthusiastic about new playthings.

If owners are lucky, they catch their pets reactions to new toys on camera so the rest of the internet can laugh along.

Reddit user werdmouf's video is a perfect example of a dog unsure what to do with a new stuffed animal.

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In the clip, the dog lies on the carpet in front of a stuffed elephant. The huge pooch is looking at the toy rather skeptically. It's clear the pup has no idea what's going to happen.

About a second after the clip starts, the elephant's ears rise to reveal its face as it says, "Peek a boo, I found you." At first, the dog doesn't flinch, but then the stuffed toy's ears go down to cover its eyes.

The dog stiffens in shock and clamps its jaws without taking its eyes off the toy.

This round goes to the stuffed elephant

The dog recoils when the stuffed animal starts moving.
The dog recoils when the stuffed animal starts moving.  ©

Each time the stuffed animal moves, the four-legged friend inches a little further back, looking more and more alarmed.

The funny video quickly became a hit on Reddit.

More than 37,000 users have upvoted the clip.

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In the comments, lots of users said their kids love the toy. Others wrote that they understand why the dog freaked out: "To be fair, I find it kind of creepy too." Some mused that it would be especially scary if the stuff toy activated itself in the middle of the night.

Another user said that dogs aren't the only ones afraid of toys that move on their own: "My daughter has it, and my cat will not go anywhere near it. We had to hide it in the nursery."

Maybe werdmouf will hide his peek-a-boo elephant too so his dog can have some peace and quiet.

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