This adorable puppy is crawling down the stairs and racking up the likes

Massachusetts - Going down the stairs can be hard, and it takes some practice, especially if you happen to be a puppy named Ace.

Do the front or back paws go first? This pup is confused (collage).
Do the front or back paws go first? This pup is confused (collage).  © TikTok/Screenshot/Collage/ace__adventures

A video of this confused puppy went viral on TikTok.

His hind legs stretch out on the step behind him, while his front paws support his weight. He looks more like he's ready to do push-ups than go down the stairs. In other words, this pup looks like he's stuck!

Finally, the little dog musters the courage to tackle the next step! Bit by bit, the puppy makes his way down the stairs.

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The little dog's adventure thrilled users, and the short clip has more than 700,000 views. TikTok users agree: Ace is adorable.

But the dog isn't just a TikTok star. He also has an Instagram account, where the cute pet from Massachusetts has more than 60,000 followers.

Ace has a hard time with stairs

Even now that Ace's legs are longer, the stairs still pose a challenge

His legs may be longer these days, but stairs are still a chore.
His legs may be longer these days, but stairs are still a chore.  © TikTok/Screenshot/Bildmontage/ace__adventures

The viral video is of Ace as a puppy, but the Labrador isn't so little anymore. In fact, he's all grown up.

But some things never change. Another TikTok clip proves that stairs are still a challenge for Ace even though he's all legs these days.

In the second video, he's stopped in the middle of the stairs and has the same look on his face that he had as a puppy.

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Ace is a star, and it's not just because he's super cute when he's stuck on the stairs. On Instagram there are almost 2,000 pictures of the yellow dog, and he has around 60,000 followers. On TikTok he has 12,000 followers and tons of video clips that are complete with great soundtracks.

It's not only Ace's videos that are amusing. TikTok user comments to his stair video are also great: "Me after 4 glasses of wine" and "Me after leg day."

Ace's videos and community certainly don't disappoint.

Cover photo: TikTok/Screenshot/Collage/ace__adventures

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