Live snakes fight in overhead light fixture for the creepiest mood lamp ever!
Dakabin, Australia - This family could hardly believe their eyes recently when they saw something suspiciously snake-shaped in the ceiling light of their home! They quickly reached for the phone to get professional help with the wild animals.

Josh Castle from the Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers arrived to make a rescue shortly afterward, as the family had guessed from the movements that there must be at least one snake in their overhead lamp.
"They were caught in the skylight fixture so I untwisted that and they pretty much fell on me as I pulled it out," he told Yahoo News Australia this week.
The two male pythons were actually right in the middle of a fight when they tumbled to the ground!
Once down, the two immediately continued to grapple.
But why were the reptiles fighting – and how exactly had they gotten into the ceiling light?
All's fair in love and snakes

"It happens a bit. They would have used the down pipe to climb into the roof more than likely," Castle explained.
"They were battling it out for about 15 minutes while I was there. I released them back into the backyard and they continued to fight."
With the snakes' mating season lasting from the end of August to the end of November, Castle said that he believed the males were fighting over "a female scent they could smell nearby."
Snake expert Castle continued, "It’s the time of year. The average person is not going to run into it all the time but we see it every year."
Incidentally, there was no danger to the family's lives, as coastal carpet pythons are not venomous – but they can cause painful bite wounds with approximately 80 sharp teeth each.
The Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers published a clip on their socials in mid-September showing the curious situation.
The family probably breathed a sigh of relief after this scare!
Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/Facebook/Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers 24/7