Twitter threatens Elon Musk as stalled deal could get messy

San Francisco, California - Twitter isn't interested in the drama rollercoaster that Elon Musk is on, and has issued a not-so-veiled threat to the richest man in the world.

Twitter isn't interested in Musk's flip-flopping.
Twitter isn't interested in Musk's flip-flopping.  © 123Rf/oneinchpunch
After Elon Musk tweeted Tuesday he might pull out of the buyout deal if Twitter doesn't reveal the amount of bot accounts on the platform, the tech company said it wants to go through with the deal, and is ready to "enforce the agreement", according to Gizmodo.

In a Securities and Exchange Commission filing, Twitter stated that it will stick to the buyout deal, and included a pretty direct promise to make Musk pay.

Either he has to cough up the dough to buy Twitter's stock from other shareholders, or pay a $1-billion penalty for backing out of the agreement.

What the statement really says

The SEC filing included a recommendation to Twitter shareholders, urging them to vote in favor of the buyout. Their vote is the last main step before Musk officially owns the company.

But Twitter also made it very clear that it will make sure the deal goes through, and if it doesn't, the company will do what it takes to make Musk keep his end of the deal.

That could include taking the billionaire to court and making him buy the company, or force him to pay the penalty fee.

If Elon Musk is trying to get out of buying Twitter, the company has made it clear that it isn't going to play along.

Cover photo: 123Rf/oneinchpunch

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