Zamn zaddy! Jesse Williams' full-frontal naked leak kicks up social media frenzy

New York, New York - My oh my! Newly Tony-nominated star Jesse Williams' NSFW nude moment from his Broadway show has been leaked – and the internet is hot and bothered.

My oh my! On Monday, Tony-nominated star Jesse Williams' nude moment from his Broadway show was leaked.
My oh my! On Monday, Tony-nominated star Jesse Williams' nude moment from his Broadway show was leaked.  © Screenshot/instagram/jessewilliams

The Broadway and screen actor was already major eye candy during his Grey's Anatomy days.

Now, the hunky former doctor is baring it all onstage – but social media has caught a peak.

Late on Monday evening, footage from the actor's scene in the currently-running Broadway show Take Me Out was leaked after an audience member apparently broke the show's strict no-phone policy.

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Once the vid and screenshots began circulating on Twitter, it caused a frenzy among fans, as the clip showed Williams' member in full view.

Of course, there is a reason for the full-frontal nudity.

Take Me Out is set within the locker room of a Major League Baseball team, with the 40-year-old actor playing main character Darren Lemming – who is thought to be based on New York Yankees star Derek Jeter.

The moment up for discussion is a shower scene where most of the cast goes onstage naked– so it isn't just Williams out there showing off his goods.

Many fan reactions on Twitter have noted their admiration of the drool-worthy shots with comical memes, and commented on the size of his private area.

Coincidentally, the leak came the same day it was announced Williams was nominated for a Tony Award for his performance, and also as he appeared on the talk show Watch What Happens Live, where he discussed the nude scene on Monday night.

"Everybody makes such a big deal," Williams told host Andy Cohen when asked about his naked onstage debut. "It's a body. Once you see it, you realize it's whatever."

"I won't be scared of anything after this, that's for sure," he added.

As for the rule breaker who crossed the line and unleashed the clip – there aren't many complaints from Williams' admirers.

Cover photo: Collage: screenshot/instagram/jessewilliams

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