Trump's Diet Coke button has left the building

Washington DC – Donald Trump isn't the only one who has left the Oval Office. His infamous Diet Coke button seems to be gone, too.

Former President Donald Trump had a button installed on his desk – just for Diet Coke!
Former President Donald Trump had a button installed on his desk – just for Diet Coke!  © Imago Images / MediaPunch

Former president Donald Trump was a big fan of Diet Coke. He even had a special button installed on his desk in the Oval Office. Whenever he pressed it, a server would bring him a soda on a silver platter.

It is said that Trump sometimes drank up to twelve Diet Cokes a day!

Former White House aide Chris Sims described the button in his book Team of Vipers (2019), The Hill reports. The ex-staffer wrote that the president liked to play a practical joke on visitors, saying the red button could activate nuclear capabilities.

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Sims continued, "Out of nowhere, he’d suddenly press the button. Not sure what to do, guests would look at one another with raised eyebrows. Moments later, a steward would enter the room carrying a glass filled with Diet Coke on a silver platter, and Trump would burst out laughing."

Now, the button appears to be gone. It seems Joe Biden isn't quite the Diet Coke fan Trump was.

Nevertheless, Biden is said to enjoy a refreshing soft drink himself every now and then. According to a 2020 article in the Washington Post, Biden prefers to keep the White House kitchen stocked with no-calorie Coke Zero.

Cover photo: Imago Images / MediaPunch

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