Toddler decorates Christmas tree and lights up Twitter

Florida – Decorating the Christmas tree is a holiday highlight for young and old alike. With this unique tree, the young had free rein.

The ornaments hang as high as the toddler can reach!
The ornaments hang as high as the toddler can reach!  © Twitter/Screenshot/acthomas_books

Last Tuesday, AC Thomas shared a funny snapshot on her Twitter account after her daughter and mother-in-law presented their newly adorned Christmas tree.

The toddler, in particular, put a lot of effort into the tree.

She had made it her mission to make the fir as magnificent as possible – wherever she could reach.

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This was also reflected in the result: Thomas' daughter decorated only the lowest branches.

While these now sparkle in beautiful Christmas colors, the rest of the tree appears rather sparse.

Only an angel at the top and a few isolated ornaments in the middle suggest that the grandmother had a hand in the decorating.

"My toddler decorated my mother in law's tree," Thomas named her Twitter post, which has received over 400,000 likes.

Users beg grandmother: please do not change anything on the tree!

Twitter users are thrilled by the girl's artistic talent and the grandmother's patience.

"The bottom looks really nice. Your kid has a good eye. Just needs some height, lol," joked one user. "Adorable. This would make a great Holiday growth chart over the years!" another wrote.

"A fantastic job!" said a third commenter, "I like the rustic simplicity of the top and how it really enhances the elaborate, ornate bottom section!"

Many users agreed on one thing in particular: this tree is so special that the grandmother should not change it!

Cover photo: Twitter/Screenshot/acthomas_books

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