Cat's reaction to owner returning home after 10 days melts hearts on TikTok
Who says cats are indifferent towards their humans? Certainly not this lucky guy, who came home to a feline friend that missed him so much, he never wants to let go again!

Lloyd the black cat is an affectionate fur ball doing some serious numbers on TikTok. And he really, really wants his beloved owner to stick close by.
So when Lloyd was deprived of "dad's" company for 10 long days, it's only natural that he made up for lost time.
An adorable clip shows Lloyds' reaction to his human's return and it's every bit as sweet as honey. The jet-black feline seems to spend every waking (and sleeping) moment hanging on to the man – in one case, quite literally, as he digs his claws into an exposed leg.
The whole scene is to the sound of a viral moment from The Steve Wilkos Show, in which the host incredulously asks a guest, "This is your man?", only to get the gentle response: "That's mine."
That's Lloyd's indeed!
Lloyd the black cat has a sad backstory

Jana, Lloyd's other human who presumably can't compete with the bromance in the footage, told Newsweek that the cute cat is actually a rescue with a sad backstory.
"Shortly after we got him, we found out he was shot with a pellet gun in his foot. We were mortified that someone would do such a thing, and so sad that he had to fend for himself with a hurt foot."
With a lot of love, care, and affection, Lloyd's new humans have clearly helped him overcome that terrible trauma.
"We think us getting him, taking care of him with the surgery, and giving him lots of love made our bond so strong," Jana said.
"He loves us and we love him. He is family."
Cover photo: Collage: TikTok/Screenshots/lloydtheblackcat