Sweet cat comforts dog brother when their owners leave them home alone

Brooksville, Florida - When these pet owners were away from their cat and dog for the first time, they were worried they wouldn't get along. Footage from their security camera made them realize that their worries were completely unwarranted!

While Nova the cat moved confidently around the house unperturbed, Simba the dog was clearly anything but fine.
While Nova the cat moved confidently around the house unperturbed, Simba the dog was clearly anything but fine.  © Collage: Screenshots/Reddit/Aerial_Engage

It's not easy for either pets or their owners to be away from each other.

Reddit user Aerial_Engage left her pets home for the first time to spend the holidays with family, sharing a few scenes taken by her Blink camera during the trip.

The couple had hired a pet sitter who came by several times a day to feed and play with the four-legged friends.

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The rest of the time, however, Nova the cat and Simba the dog were left to their own devices.

While their owners were away, the behavior of the two animals could not have been more different.

While Nova moved confidently around the house and continued his daily routine seemingly unperturbed, Simba was clearly anything but fine about being separated from his owners.

In the CCTV footage, the Golden Retriever can be seen pausing in one place and looking around anxiously.
In the CCTV footage, the Golden Retriever can be seen pausing in one place and looking around anxiously.  © Screenshot/Reddit/Aerial_Engage

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The cat seemingly wants to find out how the dog is doing and make sure he doesn't feel lonely.
The cat seemingly wants to find out how the dog is doing and make sure he doesn't feel lonely.  © Collage: Screenshots/Reddit/Aerial_Engage

In the CCTV footage, the Golden Retriever can be seen pausing in one place and looking around anxiously.

Nova the black cat seems to have sensed his animal brother's agitation – the kitty keeps coming running up to Simba and kissing him or snuggling up to him.

The cat clearly wants to find out how the dog is doing and make sure he doesn't feel lonely.

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This came as a big surprise to the owners of the two furry friends.

"They've been close but our cat is actually younger than our dog so we were surprised to see him acting like a big brother and comforting him," user Aerial_Engage told Newsweek.

"It isn't something he normally does at home. Nova sometimes sleeps next to the dog but not often."

When they saw the footage from their security camera, they were glad to see how the animals were there for each other when it counted.

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/Reddit/Aerial_Engage

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