Heartbroken dog waits for his departed owner every day for five years

Shenyang, China - What a faithful soul!

This dog does not want to accept the death of his owner, even after five years.
This dog does not want to accept the death of his owner, even after five years.  © YouTube/Screenshot/東森新聞 CH51

For five years, Da Huang the dog has been waiting outside his owner's workplace in Shenyang, China. The problem is that Mr. Shen passed away at the end of 2015, according to the Daily Star.

The adorable pooch apparently refuses to believe this. Whenever a man comes out of the building where Da Huang's owner once worked, the little dog runs to him and checks whether it could be his beloved Mr. Shen.

Residents noticed the curious goings-on quite quickly, so they built a temporary dog house for the animal, including a cushion. The pup has been camping permanently in front of the building ever since.

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But why is this faithful dog so fond of his old owner? It was probably because the man once gave him a big chance.

Da Huang was originally living as a stray when Mr. Shen took him in.

Since the man was a security guard, Da Huang became his "watchdog."

"You can see the disappointment from his eyes"

The hard life as a stray had come to an end for the lovable four-legged friend. Da Huang was apparently so grateful to his owner that he could not accept a new one.

A local resident told China News, "He refused to get adopted. You can be friends with him but he will never treat you as his owner."

Mr. Shen was tall and slim, so his loyal four-legged friend runs toward any man of similar stature.

When Da Huang realizes he is wrong once again, his frustration shows. The resident said, "You can see the disappointment from his eyes and understand how lonely he is. It's a sad story."

Neighbors in the area feed the poor little dog, even giving him a bath every now and again. But for Da Huang, there is only one important thing: all he wants to do is return to this spot to wait for his beloved owner.

Cover photo: YouTube/Screenshot/東森新聞 CH51

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