Shy puppy and rescued dove become inseparable friends!
Rochester, New York - What an extraordinary friendship!

Last summer, Sue Rogers, founder of the Mia Foundation, received a call asking if she could take in an abandoned baby bird discovered by workers during a construction job. There was no trace of the mother.
Rogers immediately agreed, as there was plenty of room in her home, which she already shares with several animals.
She became the new mama of the little mourning dove, who has since been named Lovey.
At the time, Rogers believed Lovey would only live with her for a few weeks.
Nothing doing! Every time Rogers tried to release the little bird back into the wild, she found the dove back on her terrace just a few hours later.
She'll just have to stay under Rogers' care a little while longer. The animal lover is actually quite fond of the bird, especially since little Alfie has come into their lives.
Alfie and Lovey are now inseparable

Alfie is a dog who is a bit too small and probably suffers from a heart disease (among other things), as Rogers revealed to The Dodo.
Although the little puppy is full of joy, he doesn't dare go near the other dogs. They are simply much too big for him.
Maybe that's the reason Lovey decided to keep him company.
As Rogers reported, it seems like the little dove thinks the pup is another bird. After all, he doesn't really act like the other dogs. Plus, he's the same size as Lovey and similar in color.
Meanwhile, the two have already developed their very own language and love to play with each other more than anything.
One of Lovey's favorite pastimes is jumping on Alfie's back and riding him around the house.
The little puppy seems super enthusiastic about their game – and Rodgers couldn't be happier.
While she plans on releasing Lovey once the weather warms up, Rogers is grateful for every second the two animal friends get to spend together.
Cover photo: Collage: Facebook/Screenshot/The Mia Foundation - Love For Mia