Donald Trump gets big boost from Minnesota Supreme Court in battle over 2024 ballot

Saint Paul, Minnesota - The Minnesota Supreme Court on Wednesday rejected an attempt to keep Donald Trump off of the 2024 Republican presidential primary ballot in the state.

The Minnesota Supreme Court rejected efforts to keep former President Donald Trump off the state ballot in the 2024 presidential primary.
The Minnesota Supreme Court rejected efforts to keep former President Donald Trump off the state ballot in the 2024 presidential primary.  © REUTERS

At the same time, the state's highest court said it would be open to hearing an eventual challenge to Trump's eligibility to appear on the November 2024 presidential election ballot.

Legal efforts to bar the former president from next year's White House race are underway in several states on the grounds that he violated his oath of office by engaging in an insurrection – the January 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol by his supporters.

The argument, which has legal scholars sharply divided, rests on an amendment to the Constitution ratified after the 1861-65 Civil War.

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Section 3 of the 14th Amendment bars anyone from holding public office if they engage in "insurrection or rebellion" after once having pledged to support and defend the Constitution.

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Citing the 14th Amendment, a group of voters in Minnesota petitioned the state supreme court to keep Trump off the ballot for the Republican presidential primary to be held in March and the presidential election to be held in November.

The court flatly rejected the bid to keep Trump off the primary ballot.

"There is no state statute that prohibits a major political party from placing on the presidential nomination primary ballot... a candidate who is ineligible to hold office," Chief Justice Natalie Hudson said in a four-page order.

The court said it could consider the general election claim at a later date if Trump indeed ends up winning the Republican presidential nomination and another petition is filed.

A Colorado court is currently hearing a similar lawsuit seeking to bar Trump from the election on 14th Amendment grounds, while efforts are also underway in Michigan.

Cover photo: REUTERS

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