Hit-and-run councilwoman refuses to resign despite Jersey residents' demands

Jersey City, New Jersey - Weeks after shocking footage of Jersey City Councilwoman Amy DeGise's hit-and-run incident emerged, residents yet again demanded her resignation – with little success.

Jersey City councilwoman Amy DeGise has been facing mounting pressure from residents to resign after a video of her vehicle in a hit-and-run went viral.
Jersey City councilwoman Amy DeGise has been facing mounting pressure from residents to resign after a video of her vehicle in a hit-and-run went viral.  © Collage: Screenshot / Twitter / @CurtSaeui & Twitter / @danieljberrier

During a city council meeting on Wednesday, hundreds of Jersey City residents showed up to speak about the infamous incident, during which DeGise hit a cyclist with her SUV and sped off without stopping to make sure he was ok.

"I believe our elected officials should represent the best of us," one speaker shared. "Not just in here, and writing our laws, but out there in showcasing the character of our community."

"Someone like [DeGise] can't possibly represent us, because that's not who we are," he added. "That's not the Jersey City that I know."

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While most residents were there to call for her resignation, a few did come to her defense, highlighting the abuse she has been receiving.

"Because now that people enjoy publicly shaming those they don't agree with, we are taking away from all the work that needs to be done," one supporter said. "People are entitled to a court process without public shaming, attacks and threats. We are better than this."

"Knowing Amy, I know that she wouldn't put anyone through this, and would be the first to shut down anyone else from this behavior," they added.

Amy DeGise still refuses to resign

After a five-hour hearing, DeGise responded by refusing to resign and claims she has been victim to threats of violence over the incident.
After a five-hour hearing, DeGise responded by refusing to resign and claims she has been victim to threats of violence over the incident.  © Screenshot / Twitter / @HeinisHardNews

After the hours-long hearing which gave 150 speakers a chance to have their say, DeGise stepped up to give her response.

A clip shows DeGise explaining that she doesn't plan to speak publicly about the incident until "after the court process," insisting that she wants to keep it "private."

"Others, unfortunately, think that they know everything about an event that they took no part in," she continues, detailing how she and her loved ones have been bombarded with hateful and threatening emails and phone calls.

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Though DeGise seemed to suggest she is a victim of the ongoing scandal, Adam Black (29), the cyclist hit in the incident, was never mentioned.

"I hope no one here is ever subjected to this amount of trauma," DeGise insisted. "But if you are, I will have your back. I will speak out for you and I will make sure that no one puts you or your loved ones through this."

"When the legal process in traffic court is finished, I will have more to say, and I can address outstanding concerns and questions. And in the meantime, I’m not resigning," she bluntly concluded.

DeGise also mentioned during the hearing that no court date has been set for her hit-and-run case, which has reportedly been moved out of Hudson County.

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshot / Twitter / @CurtSaeui & Twitter / @danieljberrier

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