Joke of the Day for September 8, 2023: Get your funny on

Today's Joke of the Day comes to TAG24 as reader submission. Here's a funny that's a hole-in-one!

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Joke of the Day

The terrible golfer was having one of his worst rounds ever. The caddy was no help at all, and the golfer finally shouted, "You must be the worst caddy in the world!" The caddy coolly replied, "No, sir. That would be too much of a coincidence."

Today's Joke of the Day is an ace!
Today's Joke of the Day is an ace!  © Unsplash/Matt Aylward

Check out more jokes here:

A lighthearted joke can help laugh away the day. So spread the sillies and pass on your favorite. TAG, you're it!

Cover photo: Unsplash/Matt Aylward

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