Mother bathes her three-year-old child in disinfectant: "I just love the smell!"

Internet - It's one thing to be concerned about your child's health, but is this mother taking this all a step too far?

Some mothers frequently pour capfuls of Dettol Disinfectant into their children's baths (stock image).
Some mothers frequently pour capfuls of Dettol Disinfectant into their children's baths (stock image).  © 123RF/vitalinka

In a post made on, the woman admitted to regularly bathing her three-year-old in disinfectant!

She explained that she usually tips a cap of Dettol liquid into the bath water once a week. Her partner apparently also thinks this is a weird habit, which he had never heard of it before.

The mom shared that she also recently bathed her daughter in the disinfectant. Her reason? "I just love the smell."

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But it turns out she's not alone in this respect. A few other users followed up and outed themselves as Dettol bath lovers. "I do this with my youngest son and he loves the smell of his special baths," one comment read.

"I haven't for ages but I especially did when I was pregnant. I love the smell of it. Should have put Dettol in my bath now," another user wrote.

Most people thought the Dettol baths went "too far"

A capful of disinfectant in your bath might improve your overall hygiene.
A capful of disinfectant in your bath might improve your overall hygiene.  © 123RF/bluneo

But the majority of users were horrified at the idea, claiming this went "too far," and that kids should get dirty "to build up their immune system."

"Dettol in the bath, goodness no wonder there are now so many allergies around when people think they need to bathe in disinfectant," one person objected.

This seems to be enough of an established debate for Dettol itself to have waded in. The company's website features a dedicated section that attempts to debunk "the myths on disinfectant liquid." It cites a pathologist named Dr. Louw, who insists that it's safe and even advisable to use Dettol for baths: "When skin is clean and moisturized, it improves overall hygiene."

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"Dettol Disinfectant Liquid has added Aloe Vera, which is gentle on skin and kills 100 illness causing germs when diluted in bath water," the doctor's statement continues.

In the end, the whole matter seems to be a question of taste and parenting style.

Cover photo: 123RF/vitalinka

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