California swimmer somehow survives bite from 20-foot great white shark!
Monterey, California - A 62-year-old swimmer in California was beyond lucky to survive being chomped on by what one of the biggest great white sharks ever observed.

Steve Bruemmer was swimming about 300 feet from shore at a popular beach at Lovers Point Park, California, on June 22, when he was bitten by a massive shark.
Luckily for the swimmer, two paddleboarders and a surfer saw the attack, heard Steve's screams and jumped into action.
Heath Braddock, the surfer who paddled into the fray, later told KRON4 that usually when people cry "shark," they're just tourists who have mistaken dolphins for the predator.
But Bruemmer's cry was different and soon, another unmistakable sign followed: "I saw the pool of blood around him so I knew it was real."
Heath and two other brave rescuers rushed in and eventually got the injured swimmer out of the water and back to the beach.
The swimmer lost a ton of blood from the shark bite

Bruemmer's injuries were gruesome, according to Braddock: "His leg wound was the most pronounced, his bone was fully showing. Most of the damage was on his stomach, the front side."
Once they got the victim to the beach, emergency responders jumped into action and took him to the hospital. Bruemmer later told KION546 that he was told he had lost "a tremendous amount of blood."
The attending physician said Bruemmer was lucky and the injuries "could have been much, much worse."
Bite marks indicate that the shark was massive

Per Newsweek, officials from the California Fisheries Department took a very close look Bruemmer's bite wound.
Shark attacks are rare, and researchers wanted to know exactly what kind of species decided to tuck in.
The size of the bite marks indicate that the animal that went after Bruemmer could be close to 20 feet long.
That would make it one of the largest sharks ever recorded!
The undisputed champion is Deep Blue, a 20-foot-long giant that weighs over 5,500 pounds.
Cover photo: Montage: 123rf/Daniel Shumny, 123rf/ramoncarretero