Blind cat gets stranded on frozen lake and falls through the ice – will rescuers get to him in time?

Nabnasset, Massachusetts - A blind cat was stuck in the middle of a frozen lake and didn't know where to go. Luckily, helpers were able to rescue him at the last second!

A blind cat was stuck in the middle of a frozen lake and didn't know where to go. Luckily, helpers were able to rescue him at the last second!
A blind cat was stuck in the middle of a frozen lake and didn't know where to go. Luckily, helpers were able to rescue him at the last second!  © Collage: Screenshots/Facebook/Westford Animal Control

Tiki the cat had probably fled from something and so the 20-year-old animal maneuvered himself into the life-threatening situation.

A passer-by first noticed the cat on Nabnasset Pond and immediately notified the Westford Police Department, as Westford Animal Control announced in a post on Facebook.

She said that the animal was about ten meters away from the shore and was wandering around on the ice.

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On the way to the pond, the woman reported hearing the ice breaking, and shortly afterward only the four-legged friend's head was sticking out of the icy water.

Before the officers arrived, however, two kind-hearted helpers took action. Kris and Nate, who worked in a house nearby, acted immediately. Nate jumped into a rowboat and Kris tried to propel him towards the cat in need of help.

Using a shovel as an ice-breaker to get to the middle of the pond, he quickly reached the cat and was able to get him out of the icy water before he succumbed to the cold.

Rescued cat's temperature was so low that it couldn't even be measured

Despite all their efforts, Tiki the cat continued to shiver and barely moved.
Despite all their efforts, Tiki the cat continued to shiver and barely moved.  © Screenshot/Facebook/Westford Animal Control

The rescuers brought him into the house, dried him off, and wrapped him in a blanket.

Despite all their efforts, the kitty continued to shiver and barely moved.

The police officers who had arrived in the meantime immediately grabbed the furry friend and took him to a vet.

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When his body temperature was measured, it was so low that the thermometer did not even show a value.

As they didn't know at the time whether the cat would make it, they worked hard to find the owners.

Ultimately, they did indeed get in touch with Tiki's owners, who had been worried sick!

After the cat was rescued, it was not yet clear whether he would survive.
After the cat was rescued, it was not yet clear whether he would survive.  © Collage: Screenshots/Facebook/Westford Animal Control

The poor thing had probably been chased onto the ice by a predator, got stuck there and drifted around for quite a while.

Fortunately, he survived thanks to the heroic intervention of his brave rescuers.

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/Facebook/Westford Animal Control

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