Puppy's reaction to bath time breaks the internet's heart

Puppies aren't usually big fans of bath time and it was no different for this little one's first experience, which was caught on video in an adorable viral hit.

According to Angelika's TikTok account, she has six puppies.
According to Angelika's TikTok account, she has six puppies.  © Bildmontage: TikTok/Screenshots/angelikaap8

Some 1.9 million TikTok users and counting have seen TikTok user Angelika's video, which she uploaded Monday.

And it's safe to say her little doggie doesn't do bath time.

In the video, Angelika lifts her arm and thus her pup, who looks like it is clinging to her for dear life while in the bath.

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The little fur ball is all soaped up and trembling. Is the little dog afraid of the bath water or the tub?

The video is backed with Kreepa's "Oh no" and that is exactly what it looks like this pup would be saying if it could talk. The poor thing definitely doesn't want to let go.

TikTok users sympathize with the puppy

It's clear that this little dog does not want to let go of his mom.
It's clear that this little dog does not want to let go of his mom.  © TikTok/Screenshot/angelikaap8

Tons of TikTok users decided to give voice to the puppies pained look in the comments.

One wrote, "''I thought you said it would be fun' hangs on for dear life."

And another decided to give voice to the pooch's existential crisis:" We know this stuff, but he's wondering Is This My Life Now? Constantly damp? In a cold big bowl? Will I ever see my food & bed again?."

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Other users simply gushed over the sheer adorableness and it's hard to disagree: "Oh, my heart. that's so cute."

Hopefully this little one's next experience time is a little less traumatic, especially as making bath time fun for puppies is one of the most important tips for grooming your pet easily and safely.

Remember, though: give that tub a wide berth for at least the first three months of a dog's life!

Cover photo: Bildmontage: TikTok/Screenshots/angelikaap8

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