Foxy visitor breaks into apartment in wild encounter: "It was like f**king Chuckie"
South Littleton, UK - One couple got a very unexpected visitor, who they said was creepily watching them sleep in the middle of the night "like f**king Chuckie." Then, he wreaked havoc.

TikTok user Liam posted a wild encounter in his home in the UK that has now racked up over 8.7 million views and counting.
He and his girlfriend Beth woke up to a figure staring at them at five in the morning, which they originally thought was their black cat, Salem.
"He was initially in the bedroom window, sat in the dark, like f**king Chuckie or something, just staring at us," Liam explained in a follow-up video.
"Not the nicest thing to wake up to."
The pair soon couldn't believe their eyes when they realized the little intruder was a fox.
When the couple jumped up in shock, the spooked animal ran into the bathroom and created some mischief, "completely trashing" the bathroom and breaking things in its path.
"It knocked a few shelves off in the bathroom, knocked a plant over and left a smell. I think it had a wee in the bathroom," Beth told the Daily Mail.
"It still smells, we can't get rid of it."
The fox visitor wreaks havoc

The fox's mayhem continued into the wee hours of the morning.
"It stayed in the bathroom on the windowsill. We tried to find a way to get him out, we tried to coax him out but it wasn't having any of it," Beth said.
In his follow-up, Liam said he finally mustered up the courage to reach over the top of the fox to help him escape.
"I opened the window and he yeeted himself to freedom," Liam wrote.
Jumping down onto the couple's roof, the fox was never to be seen again.
The pair thinks the fox got inside their home through a small cat flap in their kitchen, or perhaps by climbing in through an open window.
"Best part was my cat was downstairs guarding his food," Liam wrote on TikTok. "Looks like he had his priorities."
"No foxes were harmed in the making of this video," he added.
Cover photo: Screenshot/TikTok/liamibbotson821