World Wildlife Day: Animal fun to make you roar

World Wildlife Day (WWD) is marked on March 3 each year to celebrate the planet's gorgeous animals and our ever-changing environment. Here are some awe-inspiring videos and ways to get your nature on.

World Wildlife Day 2024's theme is Connecting People and Planet: Exploring Digital Innovation in Wildlife Conservation.
World Wildlife Day 2024's theme is Connecting People and Planet: Exploring Digital Innovation in Wildlife Conservation.  © CHENG Hui Xin

The United Nations World Wildlife Day "recognizes the unique roles and contributions of wildlife to people and the planet," according to its mission.

2024 is the day's 11th year running. The theme of WWD 2024 is Connecting People and Planet: Exploring Digital Innovation in Wildlife Conservation.

To celebrate, you can join the livestream of the festivities at the United Nations headquarters in New York, streaming on Sunday from 10 AM to 1 PM EST.

Dog sent to daycare to socialize prefers to sit in hole and "judge the peasants"
Dogs Dog sent to daycare to socialize prefers to sit in hole and "judge the peasants"

Or, get outside and do something to take in the natural world around you. Connect with others on social media who are marking the day by sharing your photos and posts with the hashtags #WWD2024, #ConnectingPeopleAndPlanet, #DigitalInnovation, and #TechForWildlife.

Last, check out:

...and enjoy the best compilation clips from World Wildlife Day below.

Happy World Wildlife Day!

Cover photo: CHENG Hui Xin

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