Tattoo addict Remy reveals secret behind his tattooing process

Lethbridge, Canada - Few tattooists are as well known and as iconic as Remy Schofield, whose unique look brings tens of thousands of followers. Now, he has revealed the secret behind his radical tattooing process.

Remy believes that patience is the key to tattooing over black.
Remy believes that patience is the key to tattooing over black.  © Collage: Screenshots/Instagram/@ephemeral__remy

With just shy of 100,000 followers on Instagram, where he goes as @ephemeral__remy, and a plethora of fans on YouTube as well, Remy is known for being candid about his radical tattoos and body modifications.

Earlier in June, he revealed the extent of his insane bodysuit transformation, but his changes don't stop there.

Remy has opened up to his fans about below-the-belt mods, how he deals with the pain of tattooing, and more.

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In his latest intervention, Remy responded to a fan who commented, "the definition of trust the process," by revealing some secrets about his tattooing process.

In a recent video posted to his Instagram, Remy revealed that patience is the most important thing when it comes to undertaking a tattooing process as long and complex as tattooing a sleeve over black.

Remy reveals his tattooing secrets

Remy is known for being candid about his radical tattoos and body modifications on social media.
Remy is known for being candid about his radical tattoos and body modifications on social media.  © Collage: Screenshots/Instagram/@ephemeral__remy

"From this sleeve's inception, from when we started working on this, now almost a year ago," Remy explains, holding his right arm up to the camera. "My mindset towards it was 'let's make the best sleeve over black we can.'"

"Let's make it super details, insanely complicated - this would take forever to do on a normal sleeve, let alone over black - and now we're roughly halfway through."

Remy has been railing against people who claim you can't ink over black for months at this point, as he has undergone a radical transformation from his formerly fully-blacked-out self.

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"I expected this to take between 60 and 80 sessions; that's what I said from the start," said Remy. "You can go back and look through my YouTube videos to see that I said that, and I have been reassuring people of that the whole time."

"I feel like if you don't have patience, this isn't something that you can do at all, whether it be on negative space or black. But this will be more or less my magnum opus. When it's all said and done, it will seem impossible that it was done on blackout, and that's the goal that we're going for."

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/Instagram/@ephemeral__remy

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