Biden accused of "enabling" Israel's Gaza massacre by thousands of US academics

Washington DC - More than 3,700 US scholars have penned a letter to President Joe Biden expressing disapproval of his unwavering support for Israel's assault on Gaza.

President Joe Biden has been accused of "enabling" Israel's bloody attacks on Gaza in a letter signed by more than 3,700 US academics.
President Joe Biden has been accused of "enabling" Israel's bloody attacks on Gaza in a letter signed by more than 3,700 US academics.  © REUTERS

Over 3,700 faculty members, instructors, fellows, and research associates at colleges and universities across the US are speaking out against the Biden administration as the death toll in Gaza surpasses 28,000 people, with millions more forcibly displaced and at risk of disease and starvation.

"The fact that this unprecedented carnage and destruction is being carried out with US weapons your administration has continued to provide to the Netanyahu government – without conditions, bypassing Congress to do so, and while blocking calls for a ceasefire – is indefensible," their letter states.

"Mr. President, you have not only failed to condemn the ongoing massacre in Gaza. You have enabled it."

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The scholars go on to list a series of actions the Biden administration should take to address its complicity in what the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has determined to be a plausible case of genocide. These include:

  • Calling for an immediate and lasting ceasefire in Gaza;
  • Demanding the release of all remaining Israeli hostages and Palestinian political prisoners;
  • Refraining from dismissing South Africa's genocide case before the ICJ;
  • Supporting the authority of the ICJ and the International Criminal Court to investigate alleged genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes;
  • Restoring funding to the UNRWA aid agency for Palestinian refugees; and
  • Ceasing to send weapons and munitions to any parties in the conflict.

"Mr. President, with all due respect, there is simply no explanation that [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu – or you – could offer to justify this ongoing massacre and weaponization of humanitarian aid against the people of Gaza," the scholars wrote.

"As academics, we place a premium on the advancement of just, peaceful, and collaborative resolutions to shared problems, based on credible evidence, critical inquiry, and social responsibility. We expect the same of our leaders. And as long as you are President of the United States of America, we expect nothing less of you."

The letter, sent to the White House and various US senators on Wednesday, also calls for an end to the "weaponization of antisemitism" to silence pro-Palestine voices on college and university campuses.

Cover photo: REUTERS

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