Phil the groundhog saw his shadow but doesn't want us to despair

Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania- Tuesday's Groundhog Day is anything but a repeat of 2020's. This year, Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow and celebrated the day virtually.

Phil thinks spring 2021 will be one of the most beautiful we have ever seen.
Phil thinks spring 2021 will be one of the most beautiful we have ever seen.  © screenshot/ Instagram @ punxsyphil

According to Penn Live, 2020 witnessed record-breaking crowds at Gobbler’s Knob to see the animal make his prediction. The Punxsutawney Groundhog Club claims that last year some 40,000 people came to the hill and saw Phil predict an early spring for that year.

The crowds were virtual for the 135th Groundhog day on February 2, 2021. According to the Associated Press, only cardboard cut-outs and Phil's "inner circle" were physically in attendance due to the coronavirus restrictions.

AP News reported that at one point, some 15,000 viewers tuned into the live-streamed event.

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At 7:25 AM, with the aid of his inner circle, Punxsutawney Phil came out of his stump and made his prediction. The Groundhog saw his shadow behind him and announced that winter would continue in 2021 for six more weeks.

But that wasn't all Phil had to say. His assistants, who said they had talked to the groundhog, had a special message from the animal: "After winter, you’re looking forward to one of the most beautiful and brightest springs you’ve ever seen.”

Phil and his friends had a special message of hope

Punxsutawney Phil thinks the cycle of monotony will be broken soon.
Punxsutawney Phil thinks the cycle of monotony will be broken soon.  © screenshot/ YouTube/

People have been referencing Groundhog Day throughout 2020.

One of the club members said in his opening speech, "it has felt like at times we’re all living the same day over and over again." He continued, "Groundhog Day also shows us that the monotony ends. The cycle will be broken."

The groundhog event has been held at Gobbler’s Knob on February 2, which is the halfway point between spring and summer, since 1887.

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Fans of the cute creature can also follow him on Instagram.

After the difficulty of 2020 and early 2021, the groundhog and his human friends wanted to remind us that even if we have six more weeks of winter ahead, we can still hope for a better spring.

Cover photo: screenshot/ Instagram @ punxsyphil

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