Cavinder twins share ultimate snack guide for summer body goals

Fort Worth, Texas - The Cavinder twins are two of the hottest athlete-influencers around, and they've just released some epic news for their fans!

The Cavinder twins, two of the most popular athlete-influencers, have just announced some exciting nutrition news for their fans.
The Cavinder twins, two of the most popular athlete-influencers, have just announced some exciting nutrition news for their fans.  © Collage: Screenshot / Instagram / Cavindertwins

Haley and Hanna are known for sharing their workout routines and tips with fans to help them achieve their dream physique. Recently, the 21-year-olds stepped up their game even futher.

According to their latest Instagram post from Thursday, the former Miami basketball players are now offering a free protein snack guide.

The guide includes mouth-watering protein recipes like nachos, oatmeal, cinnamon rolls, pancakes, and a buffalo chicken wrap – sounds delicious!

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But that's not all. The twins also teased that "something big is coming very soon" in the same post.

Could they be gearing up for a collaboration with a nutrition brand? Perhaps they're getting certified for personal training?

The possibilities are exciting and endless for this sister duo!

Cavinder twins' latest health partnership includes yummy chocolate

The Cavinder twins have partnered with Gatsby Chocolate in their latest fitness partnership.
The Cavinder twins have partnered with Gatsby Chocolate in their latest fitness partnership.  © Screenshot / Instagram / Cavindertwins

Haley and Hanna Cavinder's newest health and wellness collaboration features delicious chocolate that fans are bound to love.

The twins have teamed up with Gatsby Chocolate, offering a tasty, low-calorie alternative that rivals the flavor of traditional sugary chocolate.

Are you ready to try the Cavinder twins' latest chocolate flavors?

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshot / Instagram / Cavindertwins

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