George Santos threatens to sue Jimmy Kimmel for fraud over Cameo videos

Los Angeles, California - Late-night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel responded after former Congressman George Santos claimed the host underpaid him for his "prank" Cameo videos.

Former Congressman George Santos has threatened to sue Jimmy Kimmel for fraud over use of his Cameo videos on his late-night talk show.
Former Congressman George Santos has threatened to sue Jimmy Kimmel for fraud over use of his Cameo videos on his late-night talk show.  © Collage: Drew Angerer / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / Getty Images via AFP & Jim WATSON / AFP

Last week, Kimmel premiered a hilarious segment on his show called "Will Santos say it?" where the comedian sent the ousted representative bizarre scripts and paid him to make videos of himself reciting them on Cameo, a platform that allows users to pay for personalized videos from celebrities.

Well, Santos wasn't happy about the jokes at his expense and said Kimmel can expect to soon see him in court.

Santos told The Spectator World on Monday that Kimmel owes him an unpaid balance of "$21,800 and change" because he purchased the videos for personal use instead of commercial, which would have resulted in a much larger bill.

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On his show Monday night, Kimmel responded to Santos' claims, joking that if he got sued by Santos, of all people, for fraud, "It would be like a dream come true."

George Santos says he made more from a week on Cameo than a year in Congress

After he was expelled from Congress, Santos began using Cameo and has since claimed to have made more on the platform than he did during his short stint in Congress.

"Since I started buying his videos, his rates went way up to $500 apiece," Kimmel also noted. "He should be thanking me for buying these videos!"

Kimmel went on to show more clips that he bought and promised, "We'll have more as the weeks go on."

Cover photo: Collage: Drew Angerer / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / Getty Images via AFP & Jim WATSON / AFP

More on George Santos: